Easter Bunny makes surprise visit to Brisbane’s CBD

Many are waking up this morning to discover the Easter Bunny has made an early, surprise visit to Brisbane’s Queen Street Mall.

It appears the Easter Bunny may have indulged in some pre-Easter retail therapy on her fleeting visit. Being a big fan of fruit, vegetables and nuts it seems she also took some time seeking out the many scrumptious offerings in the cafes and restaurants in the area, retreating to her burrow once she had a secured a haul of her favourite vegetable – carrots.

In speaking of this hare raising ordeal, Queensland Fruit & Vegetable Growers (QFVG) CEO Rachel Chambers has weighed in on the debate as to where the Easter Bunny may have been heading when she made the wrong turn saying, “I would suggest given her tendencies to indulge in this delicious vegetable, along with her need, as we all have, for a well-deserved rest this long weekend, that she may be going somewhere scenic for Easter.”

Wherever she ends up in Queensland, Queensland Farmers’ Federation CEO Jo Sheppard reminded Queenslanders that although cute and cuddly, the Easter Bunny is the only rabbit welcome in this state.

“Rabbits are one of Australia’s major agricultural and environmental animal pests, costing the country approximately $200 million annually, they eat pasture and crops, compete with native animals, cause soil erosion, and prevent regeneration of native vegetation,” Ms Sheppard said.

The guerrilla pop-up style activation was organised by peak industry body Queensland Fruit & Vegetable Growers under their advocacy arm Horticulture Queensland as part of the Year of Horticulture - a year-long awareness campaign of the states 100+ fruit, vegetable, and nut crops.


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