My first Hort Connections - Be Grower Proud!  

Last week, Melbourne was buzzing with excitement as over 4,000 attendees gathered to celebrate the world of horticulture at Australia’s premier horticulture conference and trade show.  

It was my first time at Hort Connections since joining QFVG as Head of Membership and Partnerships last August. Walking into the Convention Centre to help set up the QFVG stall on 'bump-in day’, I was struck by the sheer number of suppliers and the impressive variety of products and services on offer. For a newcomer like me, it was eye-opening, highlighting both the complex nature of running a horticultural business and the countless people whose livelihoods in turn depend on the success of its growers. 

And growers, after all, are the heart of our industry. 

Without growers, who would the chemical companies sell to? Who would be buying the farm machinery, cold storage equipment, or irrigation systems? All the packaging solutions on display were impressive, but the ones that really caught my eye were filled with delicious fruits and vegetables provided by Australian growers. Hort Connections was a wonderful opportunity to meet new industry colleagues, learn about the latest innovations, and be inspired by speakers but my biggest takeaway was that none of it would exist without the growers. 

At the event, QFVG took the opportunity to demonstrate our new sustainability platform - Hort360 ESG. The platform enables growers to map their sustainability efforts against global, national, and state-based goals. We also chatted with visitors about our “We Give a Fork” advocacy campaign. It was exciting in particular to speak with interstate growers who were enthusiastic supporters of the campaign and pleased to take a “We Give a Fork” sticker home to put on the back of their Ute. 

One of the highlights of the week was Wednesday evening’s Horticulture Awards for Excellence, where 1,400 industry professionals came together to celebrate outstanding achievements. Notable winners included RapidAim for Tech & Innovation, Bree Watson from Bundaberg Fruit & Vegetable Growers, who won the Women in Horticulture award, and Ian Layden from the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Industry Impact. Their accomplishments underscored the vibrant and dynamic nature of our industry. 

So to wrap up, to the growers reading this, thank you. You are the core of everything we do. If you’re not yet a member of QFVG and want to support our work and enjoy its benefits, I encourage you to get in touch. 

And if you work within the supply chain and want to support our growers, consider getting involved in Member Rewards or becoming a QFVG Supporter. Together, we can keep growing and thriving in the world of horticulture. 


The ‘NOW’ Generation 


Sustainability, what’s sport got to do with it?