SAVE THE DATE: Shed talks for soil health

Central Queensland horticultural growers with an interest in soil health are invited to attend the upcoming Dirt Work shed talks being run by Growcom in June.

Soil health is crucial for top plant performance and yield. It is fundamental for the development of deep, well-structured root systems, infiltration, sustaining billions of soil biota, and mitigating losses of sediment. 

Measuring and monitoring soil health throughout the entire growing season therefore provides valuable data for horticulture growers - risks, challenges, and solutions. Its data that instills confidence in nutrition and irrigation decisions, measures and tracks indicators of soil health such as soil organic carbon, and supports record-keeping requirements for food safety.

Agritechnovation and Carbon Friendly work at the coalface of precision soil sampling in horticulture, and soil health is basically their bread and butter. They are heading to Biloela and Rockhampton for the Dirt Work shed talks to share industry relevant information on best management practices for measuring, managing and making the most of everything soil has to offer. Discussion topics covered will include:

  • precision soil sampling technology

  • using the data for soil health improvements

  • having confidence in nutrient and irrigation decisions

  • knowing your SOC from your SOM

  • working out the value of your SOC and carbon market opportunities in horticulture.

Shed talks are being held in Biloela and South Yaamba, in the first week of June. RSVP’s are essential as numbers are limited; more information and RSVP links below or via our Event Calendar

For more information please contact Michelle Haase on 0428 586 890 or

These grower events are a component of the Water Quality and Soil Improvements in Grazing and Cropping Enterprises in the Fitzroy project which is funded by the Australian Government’s Reef Trust with support from Fitzroy Basin Association and Growcom.  



9am, Thursday 1 June
250 Meissners Road, Biloela

9am, Friday 2 June
“Lush Lychees’
123 Seymour Road, South Yaamba


A grower tax in disguise… again


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