Teaching young dogs old tricks

Hort growers from across Queensland have been ‘gearing up’ in the Tricks of the Trade Negotiation Masterclasses.  

Growers know their business better than anyone – now we are arming them with the knowledge they’ve needed to level the playing field – whether that playing field is with an agent, a retailer, energy, fertiliser or any other provider of goods or services. 

This funded, two-day Masterclass is supporting Queensland growers and their staff to build commercial skills and confidence in agent and supplier conversations to maximise their bottom line. We want growers to be the most equipped negotiators in Australia, armed with the best data and cost of production information.  

We understand Queensland growers are facing increasing pressure from both ends of their business and that margin squeeze is the number one issue all growers are grappling with. We also know there is a significant power imbalance when it comes to price negotiations for fresh produce.  

So, we’ve brought in people who used to work for the other side, those who have been trained in negotiating with growers. We are using insiders to work through practical scenarios to teach our growers the tricks of the trade and can almost guarantee each grower will find something in this course that allows them to save a dollar and earn a dollar, because right now this is what Queensland growers need. 

The practical masterclasses have been most popular with the younger generation of growers leading their businesses now. These young ‘dogs’ and their key staff have been very keen to learn a trick or two from former buyers and top-level negotiators.  

The discussion has unearthed some new ways to look at old problems and some powerful advocacy areas which will keep us busy for years! The feedback has been excellent.  

 What have growers had to say so far?  

  1. Can’t wait for the confidential 1-on-1 mentoring with the experts to dig deeper. 

  2. The ROI on spending two days learning was returned to the business in the first two hours! 

  3. We are cost takers as well as price takers. I’ve learnt a whole new way of looking at costs. 

  4. Being comfortable with being uncomfortable. What is my walk away? 

  5. If it’s not in writing it doesn’t count. 

  6. Unpacking the power, we do have some. 

  7. Cost to serve rather than cost of production. 

  8. The ‘give a shit’ factor – make them care. 

While some factors remain outside of our control, skilling up Queensland growers to be the most equipped and empowered negotiators in a highly competitive supply and demand market is well within our control. 

To learn more about Geared Up Growers, and register for a ‘Tricks of the Trade – Negotiation Tactics Masterclass near you visit www.gearedupgrowers.com.au 


Queensland’s first horticulturalists keep the fire burning 


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