Welcome Angela!

As part of our mission to celebrate horticulture loudly and proudly in 2023 and beyond, we are surrounding our growers with people who also believe horticulture is the most important industry in the world.

We are excited to announce that one such person has now accepted the role of Head of Engagement and Advocacy. Welcome to the team Angela Seng-Williams!

Originally from the Lockyer Valley and more recently the Bundaberg region after a couple of stints up north, Angela has worked in several sectors across Queensland ranging from agriculture, natural resource management, small business to education and community services.

We looked for proven grower centric skills in this role and Angela certainly brings with her the experience and passion for supporting people, rural communities and effective engagement to achieve real and most importantly useful results.

Angela trained in Agricultural Extension and has 30 years’ cross-industry experience in grower engagement, advocacy, facilitation and project management across the Queensland sugar, grazing and cropping industries. Recently Angela had 5 years working as the Canegrowers Manager in the Bundaberg region during which time she led the state-wide codesign of the first formalised and evidence-based grower centric extension framework for agriculture with assistance from over 350 extension officers, advisors and farmers. This work is now building momentum and being embedded into several industries and now horticulture.

She has also worked for 10 years in both the community sector and private practice supporting organisations to effectively engage our most vulnerable and disengaged in our communities. Angela has been a strong advocate for mental health and wellbeing in the bush and this will continue to be on her radar. She recently led and co-authored the Walking the Wire e-resource which puts a spotlight on financial resilience, transitioning the family farm and succession planning.

Angela has built a career on her passion for agriculture and genuine relationships. Her true heart belongs in extension and working ‘with’ farmers not ‘for’ farmers. We are excited to have her join the team and we hope you are too!

We welcomed Angela today, Monday 31 October 2022.


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