Dive into the pricing data
With real-time data from Freshlogic, dive into the data behind 20 of Queensland’s key commodities
DISCLAIMER: The pricing data provided in this database is for illustrative purposes only. The figures are based on actual valid sources but represent averages across a broad range of factors including all varieties, grades, and specifications of fresh produce, as well as imported products. This data offers a general snapshot and may not fully capture the specific conditions, quality differences, or market variations present in retail environments. The data reflects two points in the supply chain and doesn't account for the full complexity of supply agreements, demand-supply dynamics, or other variables that influence pricing. Therefore, this information should not be used as a sole reference for business decisions or market predictions. We weren’t joking when we said the fresh produce industry is complex!

Geared Up Growers is delivered by the Queensland Fruit & Vegetable Growers with the support of the Queensland Government.