Pandoras ‘big box’ opened by ACCC
Last Friday, after a year of intense work, many in our industry received the validation they needed with the release of the ACCC’s final supermarket inquiry report.
QFVG Statement: ACCC Supermarkets inquiry final report
QFVG has welcomed the release of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) final report of the supermarket inquiry, as well as the Government’s in principle support of its recommendations.
‘Tis the Season
Earlier this month the annual ABARES Outlook Conference was held in Canberra.
It shouldn’t be this hard
With Queensland in the throes of yet another natural disaster we thought we’d do something a little different this week.
Candy MacLaughlin - Celebrating International Women’s Day
Skybury is a FNQ institution and Candy plays a significant role in her family’s operations of the papaya and coffee farm and their value-add ventures.
Deb Nucifora - Celebrating International Women’s Day
Deb Nucifora became a mango grower after marrying her beloved John 34 years ago, but you’d swear she’d been doing it all her life.
Debbie and Tina Caamano - Celebrating International Women's Day
Love and laughter filled the shed as we spoke with mother and daughter Debbie and Tina Caamano about their family and their farms.
Lucy Stocker: Celebrating International Women’s Day
Continuously searching for knowledge and an even better cup of coffee, Lucy is at the beginning of a horticulture revolution on the Atherton Tablelands.
Agtech: are we doing enough to bridge the divide?
In February, AgriFutures Australia’s flagship agrifood technology and innovation event – evokeAG - came to Brisbane for the first time.
Commissioner backs growers on sector-wide issues
Since commencing as Food Farmers’ Commissioner late last year, I’ve travelled across Queensland, listening to farmers in regions like Atherton, Bundaberg, Mareeba, Bowen, and Fassifern Valleys, the Scenic Rim and the Granite Belt.
We see you
One question that keeps coming up time and time again in our work is how do we make the invisible, visible?
Floods and fresh produce: what horticulture needs now
Let’s make something abundantly clear: growers are a tough bunch. Given the choice between asking for help and pushing through alone, they’ll almost always choose the latter.
We’ve known all along
For over a century, agricultural extension has been the invisible force ensuring that research and new technology makes its way into the hands of farmers working with them to adapt to an ever-changing landscape.
Dust off your HPA
The relationship between growers and traders is more than just a transactional exchange; it is the foundation of livelihoods for many in the horticulture industry.
Incentives with ‘PURPPOCE’
At QFVG we constantly measure industry outcomes. We work hard to understand what approaches work in horticulture and what approaches should be left alone and we think we’ve found the magic formula for achieving shared goals for individual growers and wider industry. It’s about doing it with purpose… or in this case ‘PURPPOCE’.
Turn on our listening ears
Turn on our listening ears – this was the key lesson from our time with international disaster recovery expert Elizabeth McNaughton.
Proud to belong
Why is it that in this current era of significant challenge within not only the horticultural industry, but wider agricultural industries, do we see voluntary membership numbers across the board to industry groups declining?
A fresh start for fresh produce: Looking at the year ahead
At the end of last year, I found myself curious about why we humans see a new year as a fresh start. What is it about flipping a calendar page that inspires a renewed sense of purpose and possibility? A quick google search revealed some fascinating insights.
Thankful for all that you grow
This week we sat down to our Christmas feasts featuring (hopefully) an abundance of fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts alongside that seafood platter and beautiful roast meats.
Digging deeper for sustainable solutions
Last December, we watched on as Ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper left a trail of destruction across Far North Queensland. The wild weather cutting deep scars across properties and people’s lives.