Database supports future plans

Leah and Brad Peppler from Misty Mountain Mushrooms are just one example of a First Nations grower and food manufacturer that could potentially benefit from the First Nations Food database.

Leah is Gubbi Gubbi, originally from the region currently known as the Sunshine Coast, but now based in Mamu Country on the Atherton Tablelands. As well as selling their mushrooms fresh, the Pepplers sell a range of mushroom-based pâtétapenades, a chilli sauce, jerky, and pickle to get the most out of each harvest.

Leah said they were looking to include more native foods in their range. With some native plants like Atherton Nut and Lemon Aspen trees on their property they were unsure if they had enough supply to do so.

Knowing there were other avenues to source these native ingredients would allow the Pepplers to scale up their production and ensure consistent supply without the added labour of planting more trees or researching where other suppliers may be located.


First Nations Foods database helps supply chain grow


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